Haomin Xu

Twitter: Moment Maker Tool



Twitter launched Moments, a curation of tweets on the day's top stories, to surface engaging content to reach lapsed and non-users.

Within weeks of the consumer product release, Promoted Moments launched for advertisers.
Featured Press: Bloomberg | AdWeek | AdAge

Moment Maker is the internal tool to create Moments for enterprise partners.

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User Problems

Our primary user was the advertiser's social media team and their brand agency. These users generally were not technical and needed a user-friendly interface. As this was a new product, their primary needs were to understand:

  • How to use Promoted Moments to create quality stories for their brand
  • How to create a Moment using the Moment Maker tool

Business Problems

The process during alpha testing was not scaleable. Myself, along with a team of 3, manually created each Promoted Moment for our advertiser partners. The process took over a month and required our team to travel to each client site during launch.

My Role

I was a part of Twitter's Business Strategy team and this was my 20% project. I focused on user research and providing feedback and proposing product iterations to the product team.


  1. Comprehend
    Understand clients' business priorities in running a Promoted Moment.
  2. Onboard
    Onboard social media team/agency by walking through how we use the Moment Maker tool and breakdown of team responsibilities.
  3. Iterate
    Build the Promoted Moment using the Moment Maker tool in collaboration with the social media team.
  4. Launch
    Lead war room with advertisers day of campaign to add content to the Moment Maker and triage any technical issues.

Throughout this process, I learned to empathize with our advertisers and conduct real life user research. With a user-centered approach, I learned of varying use cases of advertisers in different verticals and how that would impact tool features.

Research and Design Iterations

A few different use cases arose from my real life user research; I highlighted a few below.


Demographic Targeting

During our partnership with Bacardi, I realized they required a filtering for age groups because they could not legally advertise an alcohol brand to minors.

I made the case for this blocker to be solved to the product team and they worked with engineers to design a back-end workaround. This feature was then proposed for the roadmap to be available for all brands.

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Targeting Window

During our initial conversations with Target, the social media team requested the ability to set a specific time frame for their Promoted Moment. I worked with the production team to create a work around and made a case for this field as retail brand campaigns are often time and event specific.

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User Guide for Advertisers

To address the business problem of scale, I wrote a User Guide for our advertisers. This was a detailed step-by-step of how to use the Moment Maker tool, simplifying onboarding.


We launched ten promoted moments with advertisers across multiple verticals. I was able to provide valuable insight that led to design changes for the Moment Maker tool, making it more user friendly and scaleable.

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See a few of our advertisers' Promoted Moments: Starbucks | ChevyFanta | Warner Bros.